What’s one of the most important decisions you’ve made?

We asked folks to tell us about the most important decisions they’ve made along their journey and have shared some of the highlights below.
The amount of research and networking involved in continuing my business has been significant in succeeding in the world of conference, meeting and event planning. It is vital that I stay updated in the travel industry, so I can provide the latest information on trends, new builds, remodels and cities that influence client’s decisions on meeting locations and best options per their requirements. I feel a responsibility to meet, visit in person, experience and learn about the hoteliers, resorts and CVBs in the cities that I recommend. Read more>>
Making the right personal finance choices before jumping into entrepreneurship, networking with entrepreneurs who had skillsets outside of my own, and investing in my business education were the three best things I’ve done in business. I knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur since I was a 14 year-old teenager in high school. Every major life decision I’ve made since then have all been for the sake of succeeding as an entrepreneur. Read more>>
To answer this question, I think it is important to think of the word “success” and what it means to each individual. You see I use to think that success meant I had all the money and all the materials things but what I have learned is success for me is growth. It is a continued path forward and upward, it is taking the risk, the chances, making the mistakes and learning from them and pushing yourself. So for me, the single most important decision that I made in my life, that contributed to my success, was recognizing the patterns I was in and making the choice to do something different, even when that meant I had no clue what the other side held. Read more>>