Stories, Lessons & Insights

We were fortunate to catch up with some brilliant artists, creatives and entrepreneurs from throughout the Houston area and they share the wisdom with us below.
I have a personal affirmation I return to again and again: “Time takes time.” It seems to be a version of a favorite quote of mine by the author/screenwriter Jim Harrison: “The only advice I can give to aspiring writers is don’t do it unless you’re willing to give your whole life to it.” The obvious point of both is that if you’re going to pursue anything, creative or otherwise, patience is of the utmost importance in the process and being in for the long haul is an imperative if the goal, dream, or endgame is going to be achieved. I first got into the game of screenwriting twenty-five years ago, green and blissfully ignorant to the long road that lies ahead for most who are trying to crack the Hollywood code. I am now seasoned and no longer deluded by the overnight-success-byline which has launched many a writer with stars in their eyes hoping Tinseltown will give them a wink and a nod. Time takes time, so if you can give your life to your craft and be willing to go back into the mines over and over, then you’ve at least given yourself a fighting chance, especially in what I believe is still one of the toughest towns to make your mark or name. Read more>>
This is a paraphrase on a quote. I heard a while ago and it’s always stuck with me in regards to success. “Something being good doesn’t make it successful, and something that’s successful doesn’t mean it’s good.” Read more>>
I believe, the most important thing I’ve done for my children was/is my introducing them to Christ. Sure, not everyone is a believer. But I think it’s important to have some “centering”. Prayer is like therapy and/or meditation. We all need a little therapy now and then. The belief in something greater keeps you humble. Humility teaches you to appreciate where you are and what you’re doing in life. These things are tools to not only teach and establish integrity but it also helps to keep you sane in the emotional roller coaster called life. Read more>>
I did it all by myself, and here I will highlight what I’m going to say, “I did it all with my head up high and I gave hope, self respect and honor to many people and this is in front of the unseen as well. I’m sure all are proud to have someone who did it in a very different way; this way I’m telling you that you can make your dreams come true under one condition, and that is to have what it takes and believe you will get what you want, so first you have to believe it and go for it, the singer/songwriter Dona Maria said, “and that’s was my saying since No Quiero till today Faces”. Read more>>
One of the key aspects of working as a first assistant director for film and television is the ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously, often at different stages of production. For instance, while I might be deep into the shooting days of one production, another project could be in “week minus 4,” which refers to the pre-production period four weeks before principal photography begins. During this phase, I’m involved in planning, scheduling, and prepping with the crew to ensure everything is ready for the shoot. Simultaneously, I could also be overseeing another project that requires reshoots, which involves coordinating with the original crew and cast to capture additional footage needed for the final cut. Read more>>
There really isn’t a balance to work and life. If you are following your bliss in pursuit of what you personally find meaningful, your work is your life and your life is your work. The balance between how much time you spend with your personal affairs vs your work affairs entirely depends on the demand both of them require at any given time. The support system you surround yourself with in life and work soon become your family. Your friend circle eventually turns into a dot and the steps you take should always be in the direction of the life you wish to live. Ask any artist, once a flash of inspiration hits, that becomes their only focus. Nothing else matters at that point. The only task at hand is to manifest whatever it is that is required to accomplish the mission. Read more>>