What makes you happy?

Happiness is everything. Where there is happiness, everything else is possible and so we asked the community to tell us what makes them happy.
The opportunity to wake up everyday and create! To see what new discoveries I’ll stumble across just letting the vibe do it’s work is the greatest feeling! Read more>>
I get a chance to do what I love outside of work, and just happen to have the privilege to create a business from it. I pray it will become an everlasting passion beyond immeasurable doubt. To know that I have an impact in the community on my terms under my own obligations is a freedom that I will never regret. Read more>>
True happiness is seeing the women we have met over the years succeed in reentry. These women have become my heroes. I love seeing the way they have overcome society’s cruelness and in spite of it have gone on to walk in freedom. Read more>>
My soul feels happiest, most alive, and best connected to Jesus when I’m anywhere in nature. Things that make me the happiest: ○ Jesus (ALL are welcome) ○ My husband, Ben. ○ Rescue doggies [we have FOUR of our own: Swift, Kato, & Fennec, and Pippen]. ○ Sunrises, Sunsets, Stars, Night Skies. Read more>>