We asked some of the city’s rising stars to reflect on what made a difference in their journey. We asked them to tell us about what they think the most important factor has been behind their success.

Chrissy Amundson | Director of Development & REALTOR®

The most important factor behind the success of Realty ONE Group Music City in Middle Tennessee and my success with them is valuing the people we help and leading with hearts of service. For me, as the Director of Development, it’s essential that myself and our leadership truly value our team of professionals and support them in their entrepreneurial journeys. Read more>>

Daniel Craig | Co-Founder and Executive Director

The most important factor behind our success is our Community. We place ourselves in the community with our people to see and hear firsthand the wants and needs of our community. I personally started from the bottom and it gives me joy and drive to be in a position where I can give back and help others who are also starting from the bottom. Read more>>

Mike Bright | Captain, Music City Soul Dance Crew

The most important factor is the teamwork within our crew. The pillars of the group, which I’ve dubbed “The Big Three”, consists of myself. Ron D, and Bounce. We have all been in lockstep with each other on all things Music City Soul. Bounce and myself have been even more hands on while Ron has been working on expanded our range and reach via his travels across the country. Read more>>

The Action Catalyst Podcast | Leadership and Entrepreneurship Podcast, Top Rated by Inc, Entrepreneur, Business Insider, and more

Well, our parent company, the Southwestern Family of Companies, was founded in 1855. So, one big way we’ve been able to grow is by ignoring current trends in favor of what feels timeless, what feels right. That’s one benefit of being part of a company that’s 170 years old, is that you can sort of learn to transcend whatever the fad is right now, whatever’s flashy at the moment.  Read more>>

Isaac Riendeau | Tattoo Artist

Success is defined in so many ways. For me being in the service industry, my success has come from the respect and integrity i show my clients and try to live by, myself. When I first started my journey in the tattoo industry it was very grimy, cutthroat.  Read more>>

Jeff Green | Owner of Green Thoughts

Most important factor to our success is the method we use. We’ve been in business over 13 years, and we have found that our DDTC Growth Method works great for businesses of almost any size. Read more>>

HARRIET TURK | Mastering Resilience, Nurturing Connections, Inspiring Change

In my personal and professional life, I’ve always centered my focus on building relationships and expanding my network. While knowledge is vital, I quickly realized that nurturing connections with the clients I serve and the people I collaborate with is equally essential.  Read more>>

Nicole & Armand | Broadtree

Broadtree was a product of the plague. We were two performers who had our entire world stripped away from us and we were itching to do something creative. We didn’t expect we’d be here 3 years later with any sort of success to our name, but the journey’s been fun so far! Read more>>

Khalilah Sanders | Chandler, Candle Business

The most important factor behind the success of my candle brand is a combination of high-quality products, marketing, and brand identity that resonates with my target audience. Read more>>

Keith R. Higgons | Podcaster & Writer

Stick-to-it-ivness is the key. If you have a vision, stick to it… but don’t be afraid to pivot. Make sure that you understand what success means to you, too. Read more>>

Philip Willis | Artist and Custom/Creative picture framing

Beyond the Edge CustomFraming & Arts most important factor is full custom builds with original art incorporated into the design catered to the customers idea for what is being framed.  Read more>>

King ROSS | Music Artist

It may not be a skill or, to a certain extent, much of a quality… but it’s a mindset I’ve kind of always had. And that mindset is: Never being fully satisfied. Being generally content, yes. But being fully satisfied, never! Read more>>

Beverly Mercer | Animal Advocate

People. Our rescues mission is to save as many dogs as possible from the south and place them in great homes in other parts of the country. The south has a terrible pet overpopulation problem – unless people have been to the south and seen it for themselves, it’s difficult to imagine. Read more>>

Jarrod Houston | Author, Speaker, Business Owner, Celebrity Trainer

The key to my ongoing success lies in my unwavering focus on my faith in the Lord. His teachings, particularly the idea of seeking His kingdom first and trusting that everything else will follow, have proven profoundly true in my life. Read more>>