By far the most common conversation we have with the folks we interview is about work-life balance. Starting a business or pursuing a creative career makes finding work life balance really tough because there is no clear start and end to one’s work day. We’ve shared some of our conversations on the topic below.

Sarah Somebody | Singer-songwriter, Guitarist, Pianist

I used to play 2-4 hour shows almost every night of the week, and I realized it was taking away from my ability to be creative in my free time. As much as I love playing music, I get burnt out from it. I noticed that I was barely writing or making music in my free time and needed to do something to fix that. Read more>>

Stephanie Haavik | Singer / Songwriter

I am a hustler by nature, a ‘go-getter who doesn’t let the grass grow under her feet’ as it’s often told me. Now, in my 30’s, I’ve learned to prioritize and appreciate true rest. Being truly rejuvenated results in effectiveness. I wish I had learned this in my 20’s as I may have avoided the all too dreaded burn-out. Read more>>

Izzy Potter | Singer-Songwriter

My work balance has definitely changed a bit over time– less in terms of the amount of work I do, but more in the ways I view how to manage it all. As an independent artist, I am always working. Working to create content for socials, working on music, working on responding to emails and booking shows, working on school work and my job on top of all of that as well.  Read more>>

Sarah Martin | Musician | Singer | Songwriter

When I was younger I used to go to every open mic that I knew about, most nights stay out super late hanging around with other musicians and drinking, and play out as much as physically possible not caring about how much I got paid. Read more>>

Jordan Reid | Real Estate Investor & Travel Influencer

Great question! The answer to this will always depend on where you are in life. When I was first starting my business, there was no balance. I put as much of my time and effort into getting things off the ground as I could. Read more>>

Thomas Taylor | Author, Artist, Poet, and Photographer.

A lot of people believe those of us in the creative industry can just conceive, invent, execute, and produce in our spare time. That really isn’t true for me. I don’t see my creative endeavors as a hobby. I see them as a job. Read more>>

Faschyn Pavon | TheadLink’s CoFounder

Our work-life balance has evolved over time, and it’s a significant aspect of our journey. When we started ThreadLink in 2020 during the pandemic, achieving a work-life balance was a unique challenge, given that we are not only business partners but also husband and wife, and parents.  Read more>>

Holly Brown | Dance Studio/Arts Organization Director

While I absolutely love what I do and I am very thankful to be able to do what I love, I’ve learned over the years that I have to prioritize “me” time. For a very long time I worked multiple jobs and some of those jobs made the tasks feel urgent and that I needed to be available and at people’s disposal 24/7. Read more>>

Shawna Vassallo | Professional Makeup Artist

work life balance is HARD. being a freelancer all we want to do is work work work and will never want to say no to a job.. this has caused me to miss a lot of family parties, celebrations, vacations etc.. and it’s not easy. I have an amazing support system of family and friends who understand my business and cheer me on even though I miss out on a lot.  Read more>>

Jessica Lenden-Holt | Bilingual Speech-Language Pathologist

For me, finding joy and passion in what I do and focusing on a work-life integration is more important than finding a work-life balance. I believe constantly seeking to find a balance can lead us to feel dissatisfied with our efforts on both sides (career and home life).  Read more>>