Stories, Lessons & Insights

We were fortunate to catch up with some brilliant artists, creatives and entrepreneurs from throughout the Houston area and they share the wisdom with us below.
Even though I was the first employee of A Soldiers Child Foundation and the founder/executive director, I never saw it as working for myself. A Soldiers Child Foundation has always been about the children and families of our fallen and how average American citizens could give back to them! Read more>>
Not going at it alone! I had that gumption, not one of arrogance but conviction, in the Spring/early Summer of 2022 while shopping a concept for a gastropub through our city’s hospitality channels. Opportunities resulted from this shameless pimping of myself, including several businesses with tried and true track records that were finally ready to hand the reigns off to the right person, but those were outside of what I envisioned for my future. Read more>>
The Alchemist. I would consider “The Alchemist” my favorite book of all time. It tops every book including my beloved childhood favorite “Holes”. In undergrad of college I was introduced to “The Alchemist”. Not sure who recommended it, but I read it in four days. Read more>>
I’ve slowly habit stacked over the years and would say that has definitely helped towards my success personally, and professionally. I pray everyday. I try to get outside for fresh air and get some kind movement in daily. I practice gratitude. I am of service to others. Read more>>
I rely on a handful of habits to help me succeed in both my personal and professional life. Goal setting (and regular goal check-ins) has been one of the best habits I’ve formed for my business. At the beginning of every year, I create a list of goals that I want to achieve that year – ranging from small and easily achievable to big, wild dreams. Read more>>
First off, I’m happy because I have a God who loves me. I love the hope that I have. I love knowing that when I sleep and when I rise, God watches me. I love taking what he has freely given me and giving it back to others. Read more>>
I think as time goes on I’ve gained a high appreciation for the simplier things in life. My 20’s were fast paced; traveling non-stop and playing shows throughout the US and beyond. The last couple years we’ve still been playing shows but I’ve found a balance in my life with hobbies, interests and passions outside of music as well. Read more>>
There are many values that I stand by but the ones that matter most to me are kindness, gratitude, and perseverance. These values help me to be better and to look at life in a more positive and fulfilling way; not just for myself but for others as well. Read more>>
The value and principle I live by each day and matters the most to me is to be the best version of myself than I was on yesterday. Being your best self means living authentically. To be your best self, you need to stay true to yourself and your values. Read more>>
That “hustle” is more important than alignment. While it’s true that almost anyone can choose an idea or path to follow and “hustle and grind” their way to the top, I’ve come to realize that alignment with your end goals in regards to your work is so much more important. Read more>>
One piece of conventional advice that we disagree with is the idea of offering discounts to obtain new clients. We’ve experimented with this technique in businesses as varied as fine art to healthcare, as well as following the well-meaning advice of so-called marketing experts. Read more>>
Moving out of my hometown at 39 to pursue a new chapter in Nashville. Although it was an hour away, it was going to be a major shift in most every aspect of my life, and would be a completely new environment for me socially and professionally. Read more>>
The most difficult decision I’ve had to make was choosing to move from Virginia to California. I grew up there and was surrounded by family, yet I knew that if I wanted to pursue music it was not the place for me. In order to follow my dream, I had to leave what was familiar behind and take a chance. Read more>>
Throughout the process I’ve learned to never give up. You never know when you will find success. Read more>>