Rolling the dice: conversations on risk

Taking Risk is essential, but how much, when and why? Taking risks effectively is as much of an art as it is a science and we’ve asked some of the brightest folks in the community to tell us about how they think about risk taking.
Risk taking is often seen as scary but having the strength to create a different path is one of the most courageous acts. When I was laid off from my comfortable, corporate America job I had a decision to make. Read more>>
My mom was a realist, and my dad was a dreamer, and I struggled with finding balance between them both. I did not grow up in a wealthy family so stability and finical freedom was a very important goal for me. I knew my calling was not the norm. Read more>>
I think of risk similarly to regret along with pride. Will I regret if I don’t do it? Will I be proud of myself if I do? I’ve found that in most instances, risk has only been a positive because even if the result wasn’t what I was expecting, I’ve certainly learned something. Read more>>
To be quite honest, I was always one to play it safe-always the one to have everything organized; If it wasn’t written down, it wasn’t happening; but as I have gotten older, I have realized that time is truly one of the most precious gifts and life is simply too short to live with regrets. Read more>>
When I think about risk-taking the feeling of fear is immediately invoked and the question of failing populates in my mind. However, over the years I have taken many risks. Read more>>
I have always been taught to do things scared. Never stay comfortable. My Dad used to tell me “Do whatever it takes to get your foot in the door, you will be so glad you did!” Paired with My Mothers advice of ” Everybody has to be an actress from time to time.” Read more>>
Risk is terrifying, but 1000% necessary. I would say I’m a relatively risk avoidant person by nature, but you wouldn’t know that by the choices I have made over the last 10 years of my life. Read more>>
I take a risk every day with my podcast, whether it’s reaching out to an agent/manager to set up an interview with an artist, or simply navigating social media, because covering the music industry can be brutal as far as social media goes. Read more>>
I am definitely a risk taker and I love taking risks and going after change because to me life is too short to stay stagnant and not do something different. I took risks when I had my friends 2 babies for her as her surrogate(after my 3 babies) I wanted to help give her the gift of life and it was the best gift I could give her twice! Read more>>
I’ve generally played it fairly safe with my professional life. In college, I sought degrees that have jobs readily available and I’ve leaned into certain skill sets that would allow me to work in certain fields that are financially safe. Read more>>
I’d be lying if I said that I am a person that loves to take risks. I have never been seriously injured and I always drive the speed limit (or maybe 5mph over). That being said, taking risks within my life and career have played a critical role in leading me to where I am today. Read more>>
Evaluate the potential risks and benefits of a particular decision or action. Consider the likelihood of various outcomes and their potential impact on your goals. Understand your own risk tolerance, which is the level of risk you are comfortable taking. Read more>>
I didn’t realize how risky a career in music would be when I was younger. I was so certain that I’d “make it” early on that I never considered an alternative. As I was met with rejection, hurdles, having to work multiple jobs to pay the bills etc, I realized that I had chosen one of the riskiest jobs in the business. Read more>>
The risk is in the risk not taken. If you’re not taking chances or investing in yourself, who else will? These are things I’ve had to face each time I’ve taken another step forward in my journey. I’ve never regretted the risks I’ve taken, and many times only wish I’d done it sooner. Read more>>
I believe a lot in taking risks. Risks have been the reason that I’ve gotten to where I am today. When I was little and was invited to sing at the United Nations, I immediately said yes without thinking about it. That led me to perform at many other important events, which I said yes to, a snowball effect that would soon become my career. Read more>>
I think in today’s society when we mention risks taking, our brains automatically conjure up images of extreme risks. These risks usually include a high possibility of danger, extreme actions that result in severe injuries, or engaging in illicit behaviors. Read more>>
This is such a good question, because my entire professional career has been based off of taking risks. I started off working as a Visual Merchandiser in retail, which at the time was a big risk because I had no idea what I was doing… but, I learned and watched incredibly talented people and excelled at it. Read more>>
“Being risk-averse is NOT the same thing as being responsible.” That quote shook me to my core when I heard it. As someone who at times overthinks, hesitates, and likes to micromanage my next steps, I have had to form a heathier relationship with risk-taking. Read more>>
Creating a life in the music business will always come with risks and I think you just have to continuously push through the thresholds and remind yourself why you’re doing it in the first place. I think too often people focus more on the reward so the frustration kicks in when that reward doesn’t come immediately. Read more>>
I love this question. It’s a pretty weighted one too, so reflecting on how little I’ve focused on risk is interesting. I think the risk has always been in the back of my head, but especially lately, I’ve found myself disregarding risk as much as possible when it comes to running my studio and creating art. Read more>>
I believe there are big rewards in taking big risks. I always consider calculated risk though. If a person wants to move to another city, another state, or another country, it might be wise to visit first. Visit numerous times. Think about how it makes you feel when you are in that other environment. Read more>>
My parents will tell you – I have always looked at challenges and said, “I can do that”. It doesn’t really matter what it is. I have a sincere belief that if you put all of your energy into something, You can get it done. Most people are afraid to take the risk in just saying, “Yes, I can do that” and to figure it out on the fly. Read more>>
Risk is an accepted part of the job for any type of creative career. It is a reality that should be embraced, and not pushed away. Regarding one of AC’s biggest risks, after obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry from the University of Mount Union and graduating Summa cum laude with honors and a 4.0 GPA, she chose to embark on a completely different path of pursuing the song in her heart. Read more>>
Risk is a part of any journey you embark on. You can never know how things will turn out or where you’ll end up, however nobody has ever done anything great without risk. As an independent artist in this day and age, I’m constantly faced with dilemmas that challenge my journey and can fog sight of pursuing my dreams, as corny as it sounds. Read more>>
I’m totally a risk taker, I’ve always been the type to wake up and say I want to try this or that & just go for it! lol. When it comes to my life/career, starting my small business & leaving my 9-5 -with out the safety net of a two wk paycheck,
or man (because I wasn’t dating at the time) with an extra income to fall back on… Read more>>
With no risk there is no reward. I have learned in my life that taking risks is where success lives. I dropped out of college and moved across the country from San Francisco to Nashville to follow my dreams of songwriting. I took a huge risk, but it payed off. Read more>>
I think risk is necessary for anything good in life. I broke the world record for the most consecutively released singles. As of writing this I’ve released 62 songs. For this record I had to put a lot of hard work to release a new song every Friday. Read more>>