We had the good fortune of connecting with Stephanie Mullowney and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Stephanie, is your business focused on helping the community? If so, how?
My work gives visual proof in the form of portraiture that these people who are abled differently are capable and loved and doing all the things they were told they couldn’t. It’s hard to argue with the undeniable proof in front of your eyes. I am changing perceptions the world has on those with various diagnosis so that they too can be accepted and valued just like everyone else.
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
My purpose came about when my daughter was born with Trisomy 21. My [then husband] called her “Defective” and said, “People will feel sorry for us”, and off he went at only 5 days old. He didn’t give her a chance to show him who she was. She didn’t get to grow up with a Daddy who would teach her how to throw a ball, or go to daddy/daughter dances with. She didn’t get to be held or loved by him because he rejected her immediately and chose not to love her because of ONE EXTRA CHROMOSOME. She has 47 and he had 46…that was the reason for walking away. She was diagnosed with 3 holes in her heart and possible leukemia so we spent several days in the NICU with her Swiss cheese like heart. She wasn’t projected to live past age 3 without open heart surgery…but God. He mended her heart and mine too. The Lord took the ashes of what was left of the bridge her father burned of our lives and He built an empire with it through the mission and ministry of what is now internationally known as my brand, Paperdolls Photography. This was the genius of my purpose…To show the world that children like mine are worthy of love just like anyone else. To teach society to see our kids through the lens of acceptance. My mantra is ‘Look with your eyes. See with your heart’. I had prayed for a platform to advocate and support my daughter and this ministry was my answer to prayer. I started out photographing what I loved, and that was of course my beautiful world-changing daughter, Hannah Grace who just happens to have Down Syndrome. Our kids are not mistakes…They are Masterpieces, and I will continue showing the world just how incredible differences can be. My art is very unique. I specialize in extraordinary humans. I educate and advocate through beautiful portraiture for those that society views as ‘unworthy’ or ‘less than’. I show visual proof of how individuals who are differently abled are capable, loved, and have purpose just like anyone else. I spotlight the beauty in these children and adults showing not just their outside beauty, but the heart of who they are. It’s not just about ‘pretty pictures’, no, it goes much deeper than that. It’s about removing the negative connotations surrounding those who are abled differently. It’s about inclusion and acceptance. It teaches common sense kindness and to not make assumptions about someone based on a society labeled diagnosis. Our kids are human just like everyone else’s. They have hopes and dreams, likes and dislikes. We are all more alike than different and need to stop judging others based on a google definition, and instead learn something from someone who might be little ‘different’ than us. It helps new parents see all the amazing things they have to look forward to on their new journey. They hop on google after receiving their child’s diagnosis and happen across the images of all these amazing children I’ve photographed doing all the same things other kids are doing. It gives them hope and proof of an amazing life to come. These images change their whole perception and perspective. The pictures are polar opposite of what most medical staff tell them their child will be like. Most parents like myself are met with, “I’m sorry”, at the time of the birth of their child instead of ‘Congratulations!’. A drab and negative future is painted of their baby, but then they see these beautiful, happy faces and it’s like their whole attitude changes. They are no longer ‘mourning’ the ‘loss’ of the child they thought they’d have, but instead celebrating the extraordinary gift of the baby right in front of them. The proof is in the pictures, and are undeniably joyful. How blessed we are to be part of ‘the lucky few’. When ya know, ya know;) As a single mother to an extraordinary little girl and running a business and traveling to do fundraisers for nonprofits, and the literally thousands of images I edit daily, I stay pretty busy and rely on caffeine and Jesus to get me through…sooo much caffeine haha! I don’t sleep much these days but that’s ok too;) Then add in a book project projected to be released this coming World Down syndrome Day 2024, it all adds to the beautiful journey I’m on. I was recently signed to a publishing company by the former Vice President of Thomas Nelson Publishing International for an upcoming book/s that will be filled with stunning Portraits I’ve taken of so many of these amazing humans. So trying to narrow down the number of images allowed for the editors to choose to go in this book out of the thousands I’ve taken over the years is quite the struggle. But I am so beyond excited for another answer to prayer because being an author has been a dream of mine for YEARS. Writing was my first love and it goes perfectly with the advocating I do through portraiture. After all, as the old saying goes…”A picture is worth a thousand words”, so why not give these beautiful images a voice?
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Well I’m not really a ‘city’ person lol, I’d take them to see the beauty of nature. Tennessee is known for its gorgeous foliage in the fall and the Smokey Mountains in East TN is truly something to behold. Pigeon Forge is a super fun place for families and is home to the amazing Dollywood! I’d choose the charms of Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge over the Country Music USA tourist destination of downtown Nashville any day.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
God first and foremost gets all the glory for orchestrating such an amazing ministry of serving others. He took a seemingly hopeless situation and turned it into a global ministry. Secondly, my daughter Hannah Grace whom the Lord gave me. She is the heartbeat behind everything I do. In a way, she saved my life and I fully intend spending the rest of mine saving hers right back. Thirdly, a man named Scott who saw my talent to begin with and believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself and couldn’t see the forest for the trees and kept pushing me out of my comfort zone. Last but not least, the families of these children I advocate for. I hang on to every encouraging word they say and write on my Facebook page in the comments under the images. They will never know how much those words truly mean and how I could be having a heavy and hard day and they say something that lifts my spirits and reminds me why I do what I do and what an amazing impact these images have had on the world all these years of educating society. I’m adding some of their comments here because no one says why I do what I do better than those I do it for. These comments had me in tears. These are real people and they’re stating why what I do means so much to them..See for yourself…
“Emily Williams
I’m not sure there could be a better mission than Look With Your Eyes, See With Your Heart. Everyone seems to be fighting for their own platform to be seen and heard by the world. We push diversity and inclusivity but how far does it go?
I am beyond grateful for Paperdolls Photography and everything Stephanie has accomplished so far. As a mom to a child with Down syndrome and medical complexities, it’s a constant battle to make sure my son is loved, valued, and treated fairly. It’s so hard to condense someone so amazingly extraordinary into a small blip that is easily shared with others.
But photos… photos can shout their worth with no added words! You cannot look at these beautiful pictures and not feel the joy, love, fun, talent, relationships, etc. I love that the diverse clientele offer a full spectrum of abilities, genders, races, and family units.
Having a photographer who knows my child is worth any extra time, creativity, and effort makes all the difference. I never had to give Stephanie a big spiel for her to feel comfortable with us. She just was! And now we have these gorgeous family photos all over our home and have even seen some published in nation-wide print media.”
“Christine Knarr Opp
It is important for the world to see these children for who they really are and Stephanie Ann Mullowney is able to use her God-given talent to capture the true essence of each child. She takes the words, ideas, and stories about each one and turns them into masterpieces because that’s what they are…masterpieces. They are not mistakes, they are not burdens, they are gifts that “open our eyes, so we can see with our hearts.” Her personal journey has led her down the path of advocacy to provide a voice to those who do not have one. She is an inspiration and living proof, as are these children and their families, that nothing is impossible through “Christ who strengthens me.” Phillipians 4:13″
“Elizabeth Gerhart Thompson
I never thought that family photos were a priority. We’d had a few sessions done when our oldest was a baby, and again when our middle turned one, but we didn’t make it a family priority once they got older. Why bother? We all have a camera in our pockets, we can capture candids all day every day!
When our sweet Elliana was born, though, and after she overcame all of her medical challenges over her first two years on Earth, my viewpoint shifted. As this shift was happening, I kept seeing all of these STUNNING photos of Stephanie Ann Mullowney’s work with Paperdolls, and I knew in my gut that our daughter needed to be a Doll, too! When I read Stephanie’s post about the dahlias, and the “extra”special sessions she was going to have at a local(ish) flower farm, I knew I would move heaven and earth to get Elliana on the list. When I found out I could have her big brothers in on the action, that made it all the better.
Stephanie was kind, understanding, energetic, and passionate about her mission. Her eye is incredible and her editing abilities are world-class. To have had my children photographed by her was (and is) an absolute honor, and we can’t wait to do it again! The way she was able to capture the sweet and mischievous nature of our daughter, I’m so grateful…”
“Maricia Rowe Renk
I know we won’t have any pictures ready yet, but as a mother of a daughter that has Down syndrome, I find a lot of comfort and peace in knowing that you are seeing my daughter in the same manner in which I see her. That is very hard to do if you are not a mother of a daughter with DS. You are able to see her beauty, her depth, and her value. I know that unique perception is portrayed to others in the photographs you take. Your pictures are a visual expression of your love for our children. It’s indescribable. God bless you on your beautiful journey with your artistic talents and Hannah!! ❤️”
“Amanda Murach
Stephanie Ann Mullowney your most amazing gift to show the beauty of our extra special kiddos is absolutely unmatched. I know that being a mother of your own extra special hero gives you the eyes that only those that have children with special needs have – and that absolutely shines through in your photography. Not only that but the way you are able to capture my boys together makes your pictures absolutely timeless and pure perfection – their relationship is nothing less than planned by God and I never thought a single picture could express their love for each other- and yet you managed to capture it time and again! We are so grateful for you, to be blessed by your amazing gift and your advocacy for our perfect children. You are truly a blessing to our T21 community!! Paperdolls Photography
P.S. You are welcome to use any of the new ones we haven’t seen yet as well!!”
“Anne-Marie Clark
Stephanie so beautifully captures our children and is extremely talented with showcasing their distinct personalities. She is a master at bringing out the best in them, getting shots someone without her knowledge of special needs is often unable to get. As a special needs parent, the milestones our children achieve are very big deals, and Stephanie so perfectly has captured my daughter’s growth for over 6 years now. I have never seen another photographer put so much into her work with the special needs community, and I am so honored to have her beautiful portraits of my daughter!”
“Aimee Olson
One of the things I love (and tell everyone I talk to) is Stephanie’s understanding of kids with different abilities. She is patient and kind, and turns even the most difficult photo session into beautiful works of art. I love how she’s able to capture the most amazing moments.
– Mom to a son with Autism and a daughter with Down Syndrome”
“Nancy Hampton
You show the world that all of us are created in God’s image including people with Down syndrome. They are just as special and important to society. They are also more alike than different!”
“Karen Hebert
I’m submitting this one as it represents (for me) dreams can come true. You captured her in this magical setting showing the world our children, young and old very much enjoy life. As it should be! You’re a wonderful photographer, Stephanie Ann & Thank you!
“Jennifer Meeks
Stephanie Ann Mullowney helps show the world that these kids/adults just want what everyone else in the world wants ACCEPTED & that they are no different than anyone else they just Love more & smile more the way the World should be.”
“Faithe Logan
Stephanie’s photographic ability can bring out the light in a seemingly not so great moment and turn a wonderful moment into absolute amazement. For the 7+ years that she has been capturing the true spirit and beauty of my girl she has made miracles happen and truly seen, and help me see, the inspiration in the most simple moments. For that I am eternally grateful!”
“Matt Nelson
Stephanie does an AMAZING JOB at getting the true personalities of our loved ones to shine through so people can see with their hearts. She can take a shot during a quick impromptu moment and turn it into a memory, which is just one way that she blesses families.”
“Anita Milling
Paperdolls Photography helped me capture the beauty of the unconditional love my sister has for me and our family.”
“Julie Wrocklage Wright
Stephanie shows these incredible humans as they truly are-PERFECT! There is only one word to describe this amazing photo that she took of my beautiful, talented, kind, confident Jill-BOOM!!!!!”
“Julie West
Stephanie is so talented and helps our kids to shine. Clara just sparkles when she’s in front of Stephanie’s camera. Her personality comes through and magic happens with whatever scene she is given. I love the beautiful pictures around my house capturing Clara’s natural beauty.”
“Dana Luquire Bythewood
Stephanie captures the spirit, joy & love in photography. She always knows what is needed to bring a simple shot to life & does it effortlessly. We are all blessed by her & her amazing talent.”
“Josephine Cullina Montross
These pictures and the view that you provide to the world means that I am able to show everyone the beauty, love, joy, kindness and all the spirit Emily possess that makes her a blessing. The world should be grateful to have her and celebrate her life not fear her.”
“Lizeth Luna Cortez
Paperdolls Photography can capture everyone’s unique personality. No matter how shy, you can be, there’s always an amazing outcome. Unconditional love comes in many forms & our little man has shown us that and so much more. ”
“Julie Wegenast
Stephanie gets our kids since she’s also a special needs parent. She has a wonderful personality and is a talented photographer. We love that she travels across the country capturing beautiful pictures to share with the world.”
“Heather Ball-Culbert
Your mission is important because you aren’t just a photographer, you’re a mother to a unique child like ours; you are walking along us in this special needs journey and you GET it. You understand what it is to be in our shoes and love these children unconditionally, advocate HARD for them, and you truly SEE them as the individuals they are. You connect to who they are and you’re able to capture that on camera. It’s priceless.”
“Nicole Dunfee
Even in moments of frustration or tiredness, Stephanie Ann Mullowney always captures the true essence, true beauty of our babies!! She has done such an amazing job with Kayla and seeing her true beauty!”
Website: https://paperdollsphotography.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thedollcollections/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thedollcollections
Image Credits
Paperdolls Photography/Stephanie Mullowney