Meet Michael Ubaldini | Singer songwriter /recording artist -published poet/Radio host

We had the good fortune of connecting with Michael Ubaldini and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Michael, can you talk to us a bit about the social impact of your business?
Well I think anything creative helps the world – something real – something honest what with all the fake things we are hammered with in the music and art world and the whole business world for that matter AI — Artificial -fake -.That’s not progress its regressive – They say its rolling with the times to make you feel obsolete if you don’t jump on board -I suggest you watch The Twilight Zone episode -‘The Obsolete man’ -That pretty much sums it all up – Human nature will and is using it for the wrong good -They are creating a monster and the sad thing is people will actually bullshit themselves into thinking what song AI wrote or M=movie script poem etc it wrote they wrote themselves- False narratives will be and are already being created – People will wind up in trouble for something they never really said or did .That’s end of the world stuff.
My songs help humanity in the simple sense that its written by a real person
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
What sets me apart is that everything about my songs are different ,original and follow no music fads or trends – my songs hang around and new people find them from different generations and like em’ -I’ve overcome the worst odds you can imagine – Told id never walk or play guitar again after a rare illness then fully recovered -Told i have to record a certain way instead of live in the studio -I take advice and listen to people I admire -But in the end follow my own path ,no two lives are the same -And I’ve found when I stick to what I believe in, my ideas no one understands – after the fact when it turns out right and then they see it works then they get it. .I call them ‘Quicksand people’ It would be lets say like 4 people come upon what looks like a river or quicksand and have to cross but they can’t tell – should they cross or not? Then one person says hey I’m going – if he sinks the others will all say after the fact “he was an idiot.couldn’t he see it was quicksand?”-If he makes it across and its not quicksand they would say “So what? we knew the ground was solid all along of course he made it” then they would cross.They don’t take chances .And they are followers and wont give recognition or take chances artistically or in any field
I’m the guy that crosses after weighing my options ,They are not – That is what makes someone an individual- trust yourself.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I’d Take them to Modfellows Art Gallery in Nashville,.Eat at Jacks Bar-B-Cue in TN or Mas Tacos and if in California make sure they hit my Outlaws Of folk music series at Bogart’s now going on strong for over a decade since 2008- which ignited the whole Folk music scene out on the west coast – I mean full on Folk music.There were songwriter showcases but not raw Folk music with performers doing 30 minutes each -original songs and traditional,protest songs – and it morphed into my own radio show on KXFM 104.7 Laguna Beach called Outlaws of Folk music radio where i play music from the 1920s to the present and tell the tales of the artists and the songs along with historical info and folklore – records from my own 78 collection as well – songs and artists you wont hear anywhere else – some were recorded from my late friend the legendary Joe Bussard’s 20,000 78 record collection- he was a great friend&inspiration – and I was also the last person he ever recorded on his 78 cutter down in the basement ,the same one he recorded artists for his label Fonotone records.He was an inspiration . I also interviewed Teri Thal who was Dave Van Ronks first wife and Bob Dylans first manager.She has so much knowledge of the New York Village folk scene because she was part of it and an important figure.Also I interviewed Gered Mankowitz legendary music photographer &The Rolling Stones personal photographer in the 1960s plus Donovan ,The Jam, George Harrison and so many more – They have both become friends of mine as well
The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
old musicians and songsters on old records that’s my mentorship and live performers you’ve never heard of. Plus my own trial and error -The only thing that inspires me me is my own will -to overcome all adversity –
I’m also encouraged by the false people who talk of community and helping each other when they actually just place stones in your path.It can be encouraging to step around them blaze a new trail. There’s so many unnamed people who inspire me all the time,the everyday people who are forgotten that people overlook.You can learn a lot from them. Just living.It’s a gift. – My true inspirations is my late father who showed me guitar chords and how he worked hard.
Other: – New single Tomorrows another Morn’ Outlaws of Folk music radio w/Michael Ubaldini
Image Credits
All pics by Z-Tango 4 square black and white pic Riley Kern